Swimming Sea Lions Teach Engineers About Fluid Dynamics
Understanding how sea lions move through water could help engineers design better underwater vehicles.
Why This NASA Satellite Is Studying Plankton
NASA’s new PACE satellite will study how these tiny creatures could affect Earth’s climate, and how aerosols influence air quality.
The Legacy Of Primatologist Frans de Waal
Dr. Frans de Waal, who died this month, helped humans understand the emotional lives of our closest living animal relatives.
Botanical Rescue Centers Take In Illegally Trafficked Plants
The U.S. Botanic Garden is one of 62 locations across the United States that rescue endangered species poached in the wild.
The Genetic Roots Of Antibiotic Resistance
A survey of soil and animal poop samples from around the world identified 18 new species of Enterococcus bacteria.
Hack Your Brain: Unlock Your Mind’s Secrets
Unlock kids’ brain power with free exciting puzzles, hands-on experiments, written guides, and live expert Q&As.
Whale Song Is All In The Larynx
Researchers are working to understand just how baleen whales are able to produce their haunting songs.
Protegiendo a la tarántula ‘Satanás’ y a otras adorables arañas
Un equipo de científicos de Ecuador busca describir especies desconocidas de arácnidos para ayudar en su conservación.
Talk Like A Spider Using Sound And Secret Codes
Discover how spiders communicate through vibrations and dance. Then, create a cipher to “talk” like a spider using your own tap code language.
Protecting The ‘Satan’ Tarantula and Other Lovable Giant Spiders
A team of scientists in Ecuador is on a mission to describe new-to-science tarantula species to help secure conservation protections.