Welcome To The Emotion Arcade
A new generation of video games engages complex emotions like empathy, complicity, and grief. Game researcher Katherine Isbister gives a newbie gamer a tour of the “Emotion Arcade.”
Sorting Out Social Media Feeds
Why did Instagram’s announcement of a new way of filtering its photos set off a public outcry?
Spot the Spoof Science Study
How good are you at picking out an authentic research study from a spoof?
Universal ‘Not Face,’ Alien Laser Defense, and Traffic Control for Robot Cars
A look at the universal “not face,” and what the future might be like with no stop lights.
How Games Move Us
Some of today’s video games are pushing players into new emotional territory, engaging complex feelings like complicity, empathy, and grief.
Concocting Modern-Day Chicha De Molle
Two anthropologists are studying an ancient brewery that may have pumped out 500-gallon batches of pepperberry-flavored corn beer.
The Paleobiologist Who Inspired the Science in ‘Jurassic Park’
George Poinar, Jr.’s lifelong obsession with amber has led to remarkable discoveries of ancient specimens.
Van Gogh’s ‘Bedroom’ Walls Weren’t Always Blue
The Art Institute of Chicago recently made a surprising discovery about an iconic Van Gogh painting.
‘A Space Program’ Documents a DIY Journey to Mars
Sculptor Tom Sachs has built his own space program—and it’s 100 percent DIY.