Creating The Never-Ending Bloom
Using meticulously crafted platforms, patterns, and layers, Edmark’s art explores the seemingly magical properties that are present in spiral geometries.
What It Was Like To March For Science
Scenes from the March for Science in Washington, D.C.
Why We March: Portraits Of The March For Science
From the bees to a better future, nerds and Nobel laureates alike give us their reasons why.
“The Cherry Pick,” “Credit Snatch” And Other Political Rhetoric That Can Distort Science
Journalist Dave Levitan provides a guide to cut through the deceptive arguments politicians use to undermine scientific evidence.
A 14,000 Year-Old Discovery Emerges From Oral History
An older-than-expected archaeological dig in British Columbia is building the case for a long-inhabited Pacific coast.
Conveying Science Across Partisan Lines
Michael Mann discusses his participation on the latest House Committee on Science hearing on climate change.
Retelling the Story of the BP Oil Spill
A play explores the loss of human and animal life after the Deepwater Horizon exploded in 2010. Plus, what do we know about the Gulf of Mexico’s recovery since then?
The Many Uses Of Tessellation And Miura Folds
Make an origami fold that can compress rigid materials, and study the tessellation it creates!
Making It in a Futuristic, Flooded New York
Author Kim Stanley Robinson imagines a version of New York City that’s swamped by sea level rise.
Kim Stanley Robinson Tackles How to Keep a Drowning City Afloat
In his new novel, “New York 2140,” author Kim Stanley Robinson tackles how a drowning city might adapt and thrive after disastrous sea level rise.