The Future, Coming ‘Soonish’
From space elevators to brain-computer interfaces, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith ponder the good, bad, and “maybes” of emerging technologies.
Six Bestselling Authors Share Their Favorite ‘Other Worlds’
Kim Stanley Robinson, Andy Weir, and more share some of their favorites.
Science Friday Live In Louisville
From raining diamonds in space to the chemistry behind the perfect glass of bourbon, SciFri pours one on the rocks.
What Happens When Your Unconscious Mind Is In Charge
A new book explains how hidden influences affect our behavior and feelings towards others.
Science Goes To The Movies: Blade Runner 2049
Could we build … or grow … replicants in the near future?
Leonardo da Vinci, Master Of Art And Science
Author Walter Isaacson investigates how Leonardo da Vinci combined the arts and sciences to create masterpieces.
The Eyes And The Smile Of Mona Lisa
Walter Isaacson explains how Leonardo da Vinci achieved some of the Mona Lisa’s mysteries.
Evidence Of Cleaner Air, Hidden In The Drawers Of A Museum
Plus, autumn in the era of climate change and the role fungi play in the gut microbiome.
Need A Break From This World? These 10 Books Will Transport You.
Because everybody loves a good dystopia.
A Descent Into The Depths Of The Earth
In the last book of her Broken Earth trilogy, N.K. Jemisin describes an apocalyptic future where some people have the power to control earthquakes and volcanoes.