CES 2019: Robot Companions, Flying Cars, And 5G (Maybe)
We take a look at 2019 tech trends on display at the Consumer Electronics Show.
The Revolutionary Doctor Who Made New York ‘New York’
David Hosack was the physician at the famous Hamilton-Burr duel, and founded many other institutions. Yet he’s been largely forgotten.
The Doctor Who Saved Hamilton’s Son’s Life
David Hosack was much more than just the doctor present at the Hamilton-Burr duel. He was also a respected botanist who founded the first botanic garden in the U.S.
Is This The Dawning Of The ‘Age Of Schadenfreude?’
Taking pleasure from someone else’s pain may make you feel like a jerk, but it’s a very natural emotion.
Do Babies Experience Schadenfreude?
Author Tiffany Watt Smith and her nine-month-old baby meet with a developmental psychologist to find out what makes infants laugh—and when humans begin to experience joy out of other’s misfortunes.
The Best Of Science Friday, 2018
From Usain Bolt and volcanoes to a kid scientist-to-be and caterpillars, the Science Friday staff share their favorite stories from 2018.
The Cold Case Of The Triassic Phytosaurs
Paleontologist Randy Irmis and his team are searching for phytosaur fossils to piece together the changes that happened during the End Triassic mass extinction.
The Best Science Books Of 2018
Ira and a panel of guests round up their favorite science books from 2018
A Salute To Head-Scratching Science
As a SciFri holiday tradition, we present highlights from the 28th first annual Ig Nobel Awards ceremony.
Bones Better Than Diamonds
Meet archaeologists who hunt for animal bones and oyster shells to piece together human stories. Plus, the tale of the domestic turkey.