How Artists Made Code Their Paintbrush
Reflecting on the history and future of coding and technology in art.
How Do Scientists Know What Dinosaurs Looked Like?
Put yourselves in the shoes of a paleontologist and paleoartist as you try to recreate what dinosaurs looked like using the same methods as the experts.
SciFri Extra: Charly Evon Simpson On ‘Behind The Sheet’
In this extended interview, playwright Charly Evon Simpson discusses the enslaved women whose bodies paved the way for modern gynecology.
Book Club: ‘The Fifth Season’
Living on a broken earth in a broken society isn’t easy. Delve into the first installment of N.K. Jemisin’s award-winning “Broken Earth” trilogy.
Peering ‘Behind The Sheet’ Of Gynecology’s Darker History
A new play introduces us to the enslaved women whose bodies paved the way for modern gynecology.
The Season The Earth Shattered
In N.K. Jemisin’s novel “The Fifth Season,” the earth lashes back when humans begin to harm the planet—leaving behind a barren, broken world.
Take A Voyage To The Volcanoes With SciFri!
On February 18 in NYC, volcanologists and author N.K. Jemisin guide us through an evening of quakes, shakes, and geologic events.
From Deep In Space, A Strange Radio Signal
Astronomers report more observations of the puzzling ‘Fast Radio Bursts’—including one that has burst twice.