Primatologist Frans de Waal Explores Animal Emotions
In his book “Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us About Ourselves,” primatologist Frans de Waal catalogues the vast spectrum of emotional behaviors in animals.
The Origin Of The Word ‘Humor’
From pseudoscience to Shakespeare, it’s no laughing matter.
The Disastrous Days Of April 1986
A new book tells the story of the engineering missteps and operational errors that led to the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.
The Moments After Chernobyl Blew
First responders arrive at the crippled nuclear power station in this excerpt from ‘Midnight in Chernobyl’ by Adam Higginbotham.
A Night Of Volcanoes And Earthquakes With N.K. Jemisin
Learn how N.K. Jemisin used volcanology and seismology to write ‘The Fifth Season.’
Clearing Up The ‘Art Acne’ On Georgia O’Keeffe’s Paintings
Scientists are working to clean up small dimples on Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings caused by the aging of pigments.
The Origin Of ‘The Five-Second Rule’
It has to do with Genghis Khan and Julia Child.
The Art And History Shaped By Volcanic Winters
Volcanoes have a long and storied history of altering the course of human culture.
SciFri Book Club: ‘The Fifth Season’ Draws To A Close
It’s the end of the world as we know it. Plus, how real disasters shape society.