Book Club: ‘The Genius Of Birds’
Birds of a feather read together. Swoop into ‘The Genius of Birds’ by Jennifer Ackerman.
Our Ancient Obsession With Capturing The Moon
For millennia, humans have been trying to see the moon, capture its craters, and imagine what it could be like up there.
Preserving—And Telling—Space History
You know the iconic stories of space flight. But new stories may still be waiting to be found in archives and museum collections.
Celebrating Apollo’s ‘Giant Leap’
Ira Flatow and space historian Andy Chaikin celebrate the history of the Apollo program and examine its legacy.
These Launchpads Took Humans To The Moon. Will Rising Tides Bring Them Down?
In the shadow of worsening flooding conditions and structural degradation, NASA is upgrading some of its historic launchpads—and leaving others behind.
How The Allies Sabotaged The Nazi Atomic Bomb
The Allies were terrified the Nazi atomic bomb would be ready before their own—and they were willing to try anything to stop them.
Revisiting The Debunked Theory Of Spontaneous Generation
The controversial idea of spontaneous generation—that life could arise from non-living matter—was debunked by Louis Pasteur in an experimental showdown.
Searching For The Secrets Of Ancient Cultures—From Space
Archaeologist Sarah Parcak explores how modern tools are helping us learn lessons from ancient history.
The Unlikely Origins Of A Space Archaeologist
In this excerpt from “Archaeology from Space,” Sarah Parcak recounts who inspired her to become a space archaeologist, from her grandfather to Indiana Jones.