Rethinking A New Aid For Hearing Loss
A new generation of tech is helping change the stigma around hearing aids.
Trying To Preserve Your Hearing In Noisy World
With an estimated thirty-seven million Americans who have lost some hearing, it is easier than ever to cause hearing loss with normal activities.
The Eclipse That Made Einstein A Worldwide Celebrity
100 years ago, scientists shared their observations of how the sun’s mass bent starlight—an announcement that made Einstein an overnight celebrity.
The Eclipse That Proved Einstein’s Theory Correct
In 1919, a team of astronomers presented their findings about warped starlight to the Royal Astronomical Society in London, proving Einstein’s theories.
Rounding Up 2019’s Discoveries At Science In The Headlines
Cheers to another trip around the sun! On December 18th, reminisce the past year in science news with your favorite writers, journalists, and storytellers.
The Rise And Fall Of Earthquake Prediction
How a ‘successfully predicted’ earthquake in China was not so successfully predicted after all.
Cemeteries Offer A Green Refuge For Urban Plant And Animal Life
In cities, where plants and animals compete with humans for space and survival, cemeteries offer an unexpected reprieve.
Alan Alda On How To Talk About Tough Topics
In his podcast Clear + Vivid, Alan Alda talks with scientists about how to connect with people—and talk about tough topics like climate change.
The Decision-Making Puzzle
What observing champion Tetris players can teach researchers about how the brain makes snap decisions.
Botanists Explain The Chemical Roots Behind Your Favorite Bitters
You told us your favorite drinkable plant flavors. Three botanists tell the backstories of bitters, tinctures, and teas from around the world.