Using The Brain And Body To Make Music
An electronic musician turns heartbeats and brain-waves into sound.
This Biotech Artist Wants Scientists To Think About Their Creations
Artist Ani Liu challenges how we think about creating the future, using artificial intelligence and mind-controlled sperm.
Making Music With Brain Waves And Heartbeats
This computer engineer is developing new technologies that turn her brain and body into musical instruments.
These Pollution Disasters Pushed Environmental Policy Forward
From oil spills to burning rivers, view snapshots of some of the most catastrophic pollution events in U.S. history that inspired environmental protection efforts.
Mapping Migration In Asia Through Ancient Genomes
Tracking 26 ancient genomes helped researchers map human migration across Asia 10,000 years ago.
Galileo’s Battle Against Science Denial
How Galileo’s fight for science against skeptics is more relevant than ever.
The Origin Of The Feces
What our ancestors’ feces can tell us about ourselves.
Looking Back At The 1918 Flu Pandemic, In Photos
Take a glimpse at archival photos of scenes and people living during one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.
A Pandemic Precedent—Set in 1918
What can we learn from the United States’ response to the 1918 influenza pandemic?