What It’s Like To Be A Science Teacher In A Pandemic
STEM educators across the country share their strategies, challenges, and experiences teaching during the COVID crisis.
Why COVID Dreams Are Weirder Than Normal
A dream researcher has been collecting dreams since the pandemic began. Here’s what she’s learned.
Even In A Pandemic, Science Class Is In Session
The return to school hasn’t been easy, but STEM educators are finding creative ways to teach science to kids—online and in-person.
Making Peace With The End Of Your Species
The SciFri Book Club reads about a planet where the aliens wear human faces. Plus, what it means to be ‘sentient’ in science fiction.
The Legend Of Death Walking
In this excerpt of the short story ‘The Shadow We Cast Through Time,’ a mysterious entity on a far-off planet transforms human colonists into demonic creatures.
Read People’s Strange (And Similar) Pandemic Dreams
Dream researcher Dierdre Barrett has been collecting COVID dreams since March. Find out about the surprisingly common themes in dreams during the pandemic.
How This Astronomer Discovered A New Type Of Galaxy
Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil talks how she got into astronomy and the path that led her to getting a new type of galaxy named after her.
How Do You Solve A Problem Named Hydrox?
Before Oreo, there was a nearly identical cookie on the market. A much-loved cookie with a terrible name.
The Marvelous Microbiome Of Shipwrecks
Off North Carolina’s coast, a World War II wreck is teaming with microbial life.
Science Friday Book Club: Conjuring An Alternate History Of Colonization
This week, SciFri Book Club discusses Alberto Yáñez’s short story ‘Burn the Ships,’ and how a story about the past can still be science fiction.