An Illustrated Exploration Of Hypothetical Futures
In a new illustrated guide, futurist Rose Eveleth dives into the slippery nature of predicting what might come next.
What Does Restorative Justice Look Like… In Space?
In a graphic anthology of possible futures, astronauts embarking on a moon settlement operation explore justice in space.
World Leaders Gather Virtually For Climate Summit
Forty world leaders attended to discuss how each country would commit to decreasing emissions.
What Does It Mean To Be Alive?
Science writer Carl Zimmer explores the complicated search for a definition of life.
10 Questions With The Father Of Environmental Justice
Since 1979, Robert Bullard has studied the disproportionate impacts of pollution on communities of color. He reflects on the past and future of the environmental justice movement.
Earth Day And The Evolution Of The Environmental Movement
From the first Earth Day in 1970 to today’s youth climate strikes, researchers and activists look back at the decades-long fight for a healthy planet.
How Many T-Rexes Once Roamed the Earth? Maybe Billions
Scientists recently calculated that 2.5 billion individual T-Rexes roamed the Earth during the Cretaceous period.
Pterosaurs Had A 40-Foot Wingspan And A Giraffe-Like Neck
Recent research into the pterosaur’s vertebrae sheds light on the evolution of flight.
SciFri Soundscape: Justice In The Jungle
Scientists are using acoustic monitoring devices in Guatemala and Honduras to help curb jaguar poaching.
SciFri Book Club Digs Into The Foods We’ve Loved To Death
SciFri Book Club reads “Lost Feast” and follows author Lenore Newman’s exploration of a long-lost Roman herb, the dodo bird, and more food mysteries.