Ice-Hunting Lunar Rover Robot Gets A Landing Site
NASA chose a landing site for its first-ever robotic moon rover, VIPER, slated to launch in 2023 to look for ice near the lunar south pole.
Dr. Fauci’s Life Illustrated In A New Book For Kids
A new children’s book revisits the NIH doctor’s childhood and history, with an emphasis on curiosity.
Peek Inside Dr. Fauci’s Picture Book Biography
View excerpts from the illustrated story of young Anthony Fauci’s journey: from ‘sewer baseball’ to ‘America’s doctor.’
Charismatic Creature Carnival: Who Rules The Night?
Two fuzzy creatures of the night, the opossum and the aye-aye, battle it out during the Charismatic Creature Carnival.
With Worsening Wildfire Seasons, How Can We Learn To Live With Them?
A fire scientist on how we can change our relationship with fire.
Science Diction: Knock On Wood And Tsunami
The origin of a superstitious phrase, and a Japanese word that’s staked its place in English.
How The Humble Asiatic Dayflower Revealed Clues To Blue Hues
This briefly-blooming plant gave Japanese artists a distinctive dye—and helped scientists answer a color chemistry mystery.
A Sourdough Saga, From Starter To Slice
Author Eric Pallant dives into the delicious culture and chemistry of breadmaking.
How Scientists Solved The Mystery Of Rising Bread
From bleeding polenta and a corrupt grain trade, author Eric Pallant traces how scientists figured out that sourdough’s fermentation comes from living microbes.
The Rise Of The Myers-Briggs, Chapter 3: What Is It Good For?
The Myers-Briggs has arrived, but what does it tell us?