Wondrous Beauty Made From Dead Insects
Artist Jennifer Angus creates a celebration of cicadas and insects in her eye-catching collages and dioramas.
Three Plant-Based Chemicals That Can Change Your Brain
Author Michael Pollan examines opium, caffeine, and mescaline in his new book on the mind-altering powers of plants.
The Why Of Vocal Fry
Vocal fry has been around for ages. Why are people suddenly so bothered by it?
A Tour Through Maria Ferreira’s Crystal Gardens
Blending chemistry, physics, and animation, artist Maria Constanza Ferreira grows tiny gardens of crystals to create dazzling images.
Vocal Fry: Why I’m Not Getting A Voice Coach
Vocal fry has been around for ages. So why are people suddenly so bothered by it?
A 30th Anniversary Edition Of SciFri Trivia
SciFri Trivia host Diana Montano quizzes Ira on stories he’s talked about over the past 30 years on the show.
The World According To Sound: When Your Wine Bottle Sings
Named after the 19th-century physicist and physician Hermann von Helmholtz, this phenomenon of sound is more than just a party trick.
Laugh And Learn With The Ig Nobel Prizes
The evolutionary history of beards! The communications of cats! And more at the 31st first annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony.
Juggernaut: Indian Temple Or Unstoppable Force?
Jagannath Temple in India gave rise to the word “juggernaut.” But the ancient story of Jagannath is rather delightful.
”Dopesick” Takes On The Opioid Crisis
The writer of the new Hulu show joins Ira to discuss the ongoing legal saga of elusive accountability for Oxycontin’s misuse.