Blending The Sounds Of Climate Change With Appalachian Music
To communicate his anxiety around climate change, folk musician Daniel Bachman turned to a new collaborator: the sounds of extreme weather.
The Grieving Brain: SciFri Book Club Author Livestream And Q&A
On March 23, join our chat with the author of ‘The Grieving Brain’ about the neuroscience behind this profound human experience.
Read ‘The Grieving Brain’ With The SciFri Book Club
Grief happens in our hearts, bodies and minds. Read about the neuroscience behind this profound human experience with us this March.
Meet The Art Sleuths Using Science To Find Frauds
Determining what art is real requires scientific tools like carbon dating, and some expert sleuthing.
Meet The Blind Birder Reimagining Accessibility In The Outdoors
In the Colombian Andes, a professional birder has developed trails to help visually disabled people take part in hiking and birding.
Bats Use Death Metal ‘Growls’ To Make Social Calls
A recent study reveals that bats are able to extend their vocal range to seven octaves, which may prove useful for social communication.
Read ‘The Ministry for the Future’ With The SciFri Book Club
While we live on the precipice of global climate disaster, this work of speculative fiction creates a drama out of the near future.
‘The Ministry for the Future’ Imagines A Dark But Hopeful Future
In a novel described as optimistic and alarming, Kim Stanley Robinson writes for our endangered—but not ultimately doomed—world.
Knock Knock. Who’s There? Science!
How do you integrate science into standup comedy? Comedians Chuck Nice, Kasha Patel, and Kyle Marian Viterbo tell us how.
How The Humble Beaver Shaped A Continent
European settlers nearly wiped out the North American beaver. Bringing them back may soften future floods and fires.