Microscopic Movie Stars
In the 1950s-1970s, Roman Vishniac made educational science films, featuring footage he shot through his microscope.
Sally Ride, Pioneer
A tribute to space pioneer Sally Ride, America’s first female astronaut
Getting a Leg Up: High Jump Explained
Jesus Dapena studies how humans reach great heights, biomechanically.
The Nuts and Bolts of High-Speed Rail
After years on the slow track, America’s high-speed rail may finally be building momentum.
Peering into the Dark Side of Scientific Discovery
Why scientists have come to blows — literally — over who gets the glory for a discovery.
SciFri Book Club Talks Silent Spring
Silent Spring revisited: Ira Flatow and Flora Lichtman host the first SciFri Book Club meeting.
Alan Turing at 100
A look at the man who helped create the modern world–and was promptly forgotten by it.
Spider-Man Gets a Physics Lesson
Do the laws of physics apply to superheroes? Sort of, says James Kakalios.
Field Trip! Can You Stomach It?
Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum has a lot of heart, and other organs too.
What Your Brain Looks Like When You Lose Self-Control
New pictures show what happens in the brain when you pass up the pie, but later eat the pudding.