Rap Nerdy to Me
MC Frontalot makes a living rapping about data encryption, rare diseases, video games and the nerd life.
Winter Nature Photo Contest: Vote for Your Favorites!
Voting for your favorite Winter Nature Photo Contest submissions starts today at 2 p.m. EST.
Rap Nerdy to Me
MC Frontalot and Dr. Awkward rap about the nerd life—from data encryption to rare diseases to video games.
Petri Culture
Artist Klari Reis uses unconventional materials to create microbiologically inspired art.
Nerdcore: Hip-Hop for SciFri Fans
This Friday, we’ll talk with MC Frontalot, the self-proclaimed “world’s 579th greatest rapper.”
The SciFri Book Club Visits ‘Gorillas in the Mist’
Dian Fossey’s classic account of her fieldwork is on the reading list this month.
Minding the Mountain Gorillas
Though mountain gorillas are critically endangered, their numbers are up from nearly 25 years ago.
Wild Advice for Shutterbugs
Photographer Alex Wild shares some tips for getting those insect glamour shots.
Art Meets Geek at Toni Dove’s Studio
“This is geek central,” says artist Toni Dove of her New York City studio.
A New View of Newton in ‘Isaac’s Eye’
A new play looks at the rivalry—real and imagined–between scientists Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke.