Smartening Your TV With Google Chromecast
How does Google Chromecast fit into the media streaming market?
Engineering in Service of a Dark Art
A biologist takes shadow puppetry to the next level.
Teaching Newton’s Laws Through Rhyme
Science teacher Christopher Emdin knows how to get his students interested in science: Rap about it.
Melding Two Memories Into One
Researchers linked a mouse’s innocuous memory to a fearful one—essentially creating a false memory.
Phil Mickelson Takes a Swing at Science
Mickelson, an advocate for math and science education, says science sharpens his golf game, too.
Uncovering the Mystery of J.K. Rowling’s Latest Novel
Determining an author’s linguistic fingerprint using forensic stylometry.
The One That Didn’t Get Away
James Prosek paints the final moments of his saltwater subjects.
Give Yourself A Hand With DIY Gripper
What high-tech materials are required for making a robotic hand that can pick up almost anything? Coffee grounds and a latex balloon.