As the Web Turns 25, Where Is It Going Next?
We celebrate the web’s 25th birthday with an archival clip of Tim Berners-Lee, the web’s inventor, and take a look ahead with Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Center.
Celebrating Irrational, Transcendental Pi
As we celebrate Pi Day, mathematician Steven Strogatz talks about how the ancients calculated pi—and how you can do it at home.
SciFri’s Winter Nature Photo Contest Winner…Revealed!
Winter Nature Photo Contest judge John Weller discusses your top shots.
How Scientists Are Learning to Read Our Minds
An excerpt from “The Future of the Mind.”
Michio Kaku Imagines ‘The Future of the Mind’
In “The Future of the Mind,” physicist Michio Kaku predicts big advances for our brains.
‘Particle Fever’ Captures the Excitement of the Higgs Discovery
“Particle Fever” takes filmgoers behind the scenes of physics’ big breakthrough: the discovery of the Higgs Boson.
On Social Media, the Kids Are All Right
In “It’s Complicated”, Internet scholar Danah Boyd debunks myths about teens’ online lives.
Your Brain on Jazz
Researcher and musician Charles Limb created an fMRI-safe keyboard to study the effects of jazz on the brain.
For Privacy, Teens Use Encoded Messages Online
This excerpt from “It’s Complicated” explores how advances in technology afford teens new ways of communicating secretively.
The Science Behind The World’s Strangest Sounds
Acoustic engineer Trevor Cox recorded the world’s longest reverberation.