Fossil Jaw Turns Back Clock on Human Evolution
A newly discovered fossil jaw pushes the date of Homo’s evolution back to 2.8 million years ago.
Beauty and the Brain: Understanding Our Responses to Art
The field of neuroaesthetics uses techniques of neurology to understand our response to art.
Step Inside A Mad Scientist’s Lab
Take a video tour of the California-based prop shop Jadis, where technological curiosities both real and imagined intermingle.
Which Scientific Ideas Must Die?
“This Idea Must Die” asks scientists and big thinkers which scientific theories they’d target for extinction.
NASA and Integration During the Civil Rights Movement
As part of Black History Month, Science Friday looks at the role of African-American scientists at NASA during the Civil Rights era.
Future Crimes: The Next Generation of Security Threats
In “Future Crimes,” author Marc Goodman looks at how criminals are using emergent technology for their own benefit.
In Memory of Leonard Nimoy
The Star Trek actor died on February 27, 2015. He spoke to SciFri about science fiction in this archival interview.
Should These Scientific Ideas Be Retired?
Two scientists consider the concepts of the universe and falsifiability.
A Love Story, Set in the Multiverse
In Nick Payne’s play “Constellations,” a beekeeper and cosmologist fall in and out of love across 50 parallel universes.