Writing Women Back Into Science History
This Women’s History Month, Science Friday celebrates some of the unsung heroines of science.
Overheard at SXSW 2015
Science Friday web producer Chau Tu is in Austin, Texas for SXSW Interactive + Film.
SciFri Celebrates π
This year holds an unusually special treat for enthusiasts of the constant π: March 14, 2015 approximates π not just to the usual three digits (3.14) but to five: 3.14.15.
How An 11-Year-Old Named A (Dwarf) Planet
Venetia Burney, age 11, came up with the name “Pluto” for a newly-discovered planet 85 years ago this week.
The Art of Scent in Los Angeles
A nonprofit in Los Angeles opens the door on the secretive world of perfuming.
Fossil Jaw Turns Back Clock on Human Evolution
A newly discovered fossil jaw pushes the date of Homo’s evolution back to 2.8 million years ago.
Beauty and the Brain: Understanding Our Responses to Art
The field of neuroaesthetics uses techniques of neurology to understand our response to art.
Step Inside A Mad Scientist’s Lab
Take a video tour of the California-based prop shop Jadis, where technological curiosities both real and imagined intermingle.
Which Scientific Ideas Must Die?
“This Idea Must Die” asks scientists and big thinkers which scientific theories they’d target for extinction.