How Fireworks Get Their Colors
In this activity from Science Buddies, you will burn some metal salts to investigate what colors they make, then you’ll explain to your family and friends how fireworks colors are made!
Physics Secrets for Hula Hooping
In this activity from Science Buddies, kids will create their own hula hoops and investigate how the hoops’ masses affect how they spin. Which do you think will spin better, a heavy hoop or a lighter one?
How Tails Help a Kite to Fly
In this activity from Science Buddies, you will experiment with how a kite’s tail affects how it flies.
Chocolate Crystal Concoctions
Act like an experimental chocolatier and determine how different melting and cooling procedures impact the shine, hardness, and texture of finished chocolate.
Make a Model Eardrum to Detect Sound Waves
Create a model eardrum to visualize sound vibrations, and then use a smartphone to identify your model’s natural frequencies.
Make A Wire Critter That Can Walk On Water
Learn how insects have inspired engineers and design your own water-walking critter using thin wire and your knowledge of surface tension.
Use Clues to Solve an Ice Mystery
Use the physical characteristics of ice to determine where and how several mystery samples could have been frozen.
See the World Through Color-Filtering Lenses
Explore color by creating color-filtering glasses using paper and tinted cellophane.
Design Your Own Wind Powered Turbine
Learn the parts of a wind turbine, build your own out of recyclable materials, and test it to determine how to harnesses the most wind.
Pinhole Viewer
By building their own pinhole camera, students will learn how cameras, telescopes, and their own eyes use light in similar ways.