Make Ancient Ink With The Help Of Oak Tree Parasites
Bring history to life through biology and chemistry as you make iron oak gall ink like Leonardo da Vinci did.
Investigate How Sunlight Affects Your Favorite Plastic Toys
Learn how UV light from the sun degrades plastic over time and discover ways to protect toys from discoloration and damage.
Model Chemical Elements And Molecules With Bricks
Build simple atoms and molecule models using plastic construction bricks—like LEGO—as you explore the elements that shaped all life on Earth.
The Science Of Sweaters: Chemistry In Your Closet
What is your favorite sweater made from? Investigate textiles and discover the different characteristics of common materials.
Hack Your Food With Water-Loving Hydrogel Polymers
Hack your food with materials science as you use water-loving hydrogels to grow vegetables from scraps and make a batch of “hot” ice cream.
Capture The Scents Of The Season
Create a scent that captures the essence of the winter season—and explore why the smell of evergreens [or ‘sugar cookies’] can remind you of the holidays.
The Cookie Chemistry Challenge
Can you create the most crowd-pleasing cookie? Let kitchen chemistry help you explore how ingredients, timing, and temperature affect your cookie’s crumble.
Challenge: Make Your Own Paint
Say you run out of paint, what should you do? Make paint from scratch! Learn about pigments and get experimenting in this DIY paint challenge.
Go On A Hunt For Metals!
A magnet and a penny will help you become a human metal detector.
Hacer pintura de relieve (3D) con almidón
Algo gracioso sucede cuando se agrega almidón de maíz a un líquido y se calienta la mezcla: se vuelve muy, muy espesa, o viscosa.