Hack Your Brain Kick-Off With Science Friday
Discover the power of your brain with livestream Q&As, trivia, puzzles, and more with SciFri’s Hack Your Brain!
Mission Tech Force: Robots For A Sustainable Future
Tackle a hands-on critical-thinking team challenge, then discover how robots from space can solve Earth’s problems.
Mission Rehydrate: Water For A Thirsty Planet
Discover how astronauts recycle water on the ISS, then build and test your own filter to address real-world environmental issues.
Mission Sensor Watch: Cool Your Community
Investigate climate science using ECOSTRESS imagery from the ISS. Then, hunt for heat islands and design solutions to cool your community.
Mission Stellar Health: Train Like An Astronaut
Discover how astronauts exercise to stay fit in space. Then use engineering design to create innovative health solutions for Earth.
Down The Drain: How Water Journeys Through City Sewers
Investigate how water travels through city sewers and impacts the environment. Then, experiment to address urban flooding and pollution.
Model Chemical Elements And Molecules With Bricks
Build simple atoms and molecule models using plastic construction bricks—like LEGO—as you explore the elements that shaped all life on Earth.
Solve Real-World Soil Science Problems With Math
Learn the secrets to good soil and what helps plants grow. Then use science and math to analyze dirt and develop your own custom blend.
Looking For Life In The Deep Ocean: An Engineering Challenge
How would you look for life in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean? Get ready to investigate and invent as you search the seas.
Create An Interactive Game Using AI
Combine a visual programming language, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to program an interactive game using hand gestures.