The Nutrition Of Colorful Fruits And Vegetables
Students are challenged to plan and plant a garden that will grow produce rich in micronutrients for addressing specific illnesses in this applied agriculture and nutritional sciences lesson.
Air Pollution Around The World
In this lesson, students will research how air pollution is generated and its impact on countries around the world before brainstorming creative solutions for a country of their choosing, and crafting a Public Service Announcement.
Design A Device That Can Safely Collect A Jellyfish
Jellyfish are delicate, which makes collecting samples from live specimens difficult. In this activity try to design a device that can safely collect jellyfish for research.
How Do You Search For Life In The Universe? Use Clues From Microbes!
How do scientists figure out where life can exist in the universe (places like Venus)? Use the microbes on Earth to piece together clues about the limits of life.
What Puzzle-Solving Crows Can Teach Us About Animal Intelligence
Why are crows considered intelligent? Use animal behavior and the design process to design a problem-solving test for chosen species.
Spider Webs: A Tangled Spring Of Force And Energy
Have you ever wondered how spiders capture prey? Learn how spiders create structures that can store mechanical energy.