Hack Your Brain Kick-Off With Science Friday
Discover the power of your brain with livestream Q&As, trivia, puzzles, and more with SciFri’s Hack Your Brain!
Mission Tech Force: Robots For A Sustainable Future
Tackle a hands-on critical-thinking team challenge, then discover how robots from space can solve Earth’s problems.
Mission Rehydrate: Water For A Thirsty Planet
Discover how astronauts recycle water on the ISS, then build and test your own filter to address real-world environmental issues.
Mission Sensor Watch: Cool Your Community
Investigate climate science using ECOSTRESS imagery from the ISS. Then, hunt for heat islands and design solutions to cool your community.
Mission Stellar Health: Train Like An Astronaut
Discover how astronauts exercise to stay fit in space. Then use engineering design to create innovative health solutions for Earth.
Rewards And Neurotransmitters: How Games Can Affect Your Brain
Discover the ways reward systems like games, puzzles, and escape rooms can encourage positive or negative behaviors.
Recompensas y neurotransmisores: cómo los juegos afectan tu cerebro
Descubre las maneras en las que el sistema de recompensa de juegos, rompecabezas y salas de escape pueden alentar comportamientos positivos o negativos.
The Mortgage Realities Of A Dream Home
Purchasing a house is not just about how it looks and feels, but the actual costs. Learn to calculate the mortgage of your dream home.
What Makes A Superbloom So Super?
A super bloom a desert phenomenon where massive amounts of wildflowers bloom at exactly the same time. How is it possible?
Hack Your Food With Water-Loving Hydrogel Polymers
Hack your food with materials science as you use water-loving hydrogels to grow vegetables from scraps and make a batch of “hot” ice cream.