What Can Hawaiian Shark-Toothed Weapons Tell Us About Sharks?
Examine Hawaiian shark-toothed weapons and learn about traditional Hawaiian beliefs that help build our ecological history of sharks.
Spider Webs: A Tangled Spring Of Force And Energy
Have you ever wondered how spiders capture prey? Learn how spiders create structures that can store mechanical energy.
Soil Engineering: The Relationship Between Soil Texture and Function
Not all soil is the same. Explore soil texture and structure in this hands-on investigation, then predict how soil health will be affected by climate change.
Build An Ultra High-Speed Toy Out Of Paper
Make a paper toy that spins thousands of times per minute, and then measure, and try to modify, its speed.
The Tragic Mystery Of The Mushy Apple
In this experiment, you’ll explore the influence of apple cell structure on the crunchiness and juiciness of an apple by measuring apple tissue tensile strength.
Illuminating Luminescence
Compare and contrast different forms of luminescence by observing how chemiluminescence, phosphorescence, and fluorescence produce or emit light.