Fritz Kahn’s Fantastical Journey Through the Body
The German graphic designer was a pioneer of popular science communication, using familiar objects as metaphors for biological processes.
The Choreographic World of Elizabeth Streb
Ira’s conversation with Action Architect Elizabeth Streb continues.
Show, Not Tell: The Rise of the Infographic
Data visualizations are all the rage these days. Here’s a sampler of science-based ones to feed both your brain and your eyes.
Chasing Time Machines: A Photographer Turns High Energy Physics Into Art
Stanley Greenberg takes pictures of giant structures used to study tiny particles.
The One That Didn’t Get Away
James Prosek paints the final moments of his saltwater subjects.
A Sculpture Eavesdrops Underwater
A submerged piece of art will grow into an artificial reef while recording surrounding marine sounds.
The Perils of Plankton
An artist magnifies an overlooked environmental problem in sculptures that are larger than life.
Black Bear for the Win
Jim Stroner’s shot of a bear emerging from its den wins our 2013 Winter Nature Photo Contest.
Wildlife Portraits by Our Photo Contest Judge
Clay Bolt, co-founder of the Meet Your Neighbours photo project, shares some of his shots.
Painting by Insects
For a unique artistic style, there’s nothing like an insect’s feet to get the job done.