Welcome To The Emotion Arcade
A new generation of video games engages complex emotions like empathy, complicity, and grief. Game researcher Katherine Isbister gives a newbie gamer a tour of the “Emotion Arcade.”
Botanicals In Blue: A Victorian Woman’s Take On Algae
Anna Atkins, the first person to publish a book of photography, showed a predilection for botany.
Connecting the Dots on Climate Change
There’s more science than first meets the eye in these vivid watercolor paintings.
Math Is Beautiful
Artist Hamid Naderi Yeganeh can generate thousands of unique, intricate images per day using mathematical formulas programmed into his computer.
Subvisual Subway: The Art of New York City’s Bacterial World
Typographer and illustrator Craig Ward sampled the bacteria on subway lines around New York City and photographed his findings.
Things of Beauty: Scientific Instruments of Yore
Brimming with Victorian medical masks, surreal anatomical models, and futuristic test prostheses, Steve Erenberg’s store/museum in Peekskill, New York offers a tour of long-forgotten devices.
Building A ‘Beest’ Fit For The Beach
Dutch artist Theo Jansen has spent 25 years constructing massive sculptures designed to crawl, scuttle, and stride along the beach.
These Fish Posed for Pencils, Not Cameras
Artist Joseph Tomelleri’s scientific drawings of Salish Sea fishes can be easily mistaken for photographs.
This ’70s Artist Painted Our Future In Space
Forty years ago, artist Rick Guidice teamed up with NASA scientists to envision the space civilizations of the future.
The Fine Art of Toxic Waste
An engineer and an artist are transforming pollution from coal mines into pigments used to tint paint.