Picture of the Week: Quantum Dot Sphere
This olive-like structure is composed of tiny luminescing spheres that could be used in cellular imaging.
Here’s What a Fire Whirl Looks Like
Firefighter Greg Sanders encountered a flaming, cobra-like swirl while doing reconnaissance work in Virginia.
Afloat in a French Flying Machine
The Tissandier brothers contributed to France’s reputation as the balloon capital of the world.
The Rim Fire, As Seen From Space
NASA’s MISR experiment snaps pictures of Earth, keeping tabs on environmental attributes from aerosols to smoke plumes.
Carl Sagan Reflects On The Pale Blue Dot
A new image from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft features Earth as a speck, recalling our planet’s first portrait taken from the outer solar system more than 20 years ago.
Rube Goldberg Mashup
July 4th isn’t just Independence Day—it’s the anniversary of Rube Goldberg’s birthday.