What’s the Best Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?
A new study on contestants from “The Biggest Loser” found that dramatic weight loss led to a surprising slowdown in metabolism.
In Your Own Words: Imaginary Friends
SciFri fans share anecdotes about their imaginary companions.
Are We Smart Enough to Understand How Smart Animals Are?
Primatologist Frans de Waal makes a case for animal intelligence.
What’s the Deal With Kepler?
We break down Kepler’s achievements and what’s coming next.
Is DNA the Future of Digital Data Storage?
A team of researchers were able to store 150 kilobytes—a handful of simple emails—on a strand of DNA.
Good Mushroom, Bad Mushroom: Fun(gus) Trading Cards
Learn about mushrooms, and trade your favorites with your friends!
Stopping a Speeding Bullet…With Foam
Researchers have developed a foam capable of shattering bullets on impact.
Behind the Master Controls of GPS
Author Greg Milner explains how five billion devices use 31 GPS satellites to determine their locations.