Join Us Live With Astronauts Aboard The Space Station
Watch astronauts answer student questions about space research and daily life aboard the station—live from space!
Join Us Live With Astronauts Aboard The International Space Station
Watch astronauts answer student questions about space research and daily life aboard the station—live from space!
Down To Earth: Space Science For Community Change
Use innovation from the International Space Station to solve real-world environmental challenges in your community.
Bright Idea: Science Friday’s Sun Camp
The Sun Camp educational program features easy-to-do, hands-on STEAM activities for families and educators curious about Sun science.
Earn P.D. Certificates At SciFri’s Educator Phenomena Forum
On November 4, K-12 STEM teachers are invited to Science Friday’s free professional development series, this time all about space!
Teachers! Collaborate At SciFri’s Educator Phenomena Forum
On July 21-22, Science Friday is hosting a phenomena-based learning sessions specially designed for K-12 STEM teachers. PD and cool science!
Join Us For A Week Of Making And Building!
Let’s go to (virtual) camp! Science Friday is hosting a week of free DIY maker challenges for kids, families, and caregivers on July 24 – 31. Anyone can participate!
Science Club #ObserveEverything
Go out and observe something interesting! Submit your in-depth observations with the hashtag #ObserveEverything.
Science Standards for the Next Generation
Newly released science standards expect students to be capable of designing experiments and making evidence-based arguments.