Join Us Live With Astronauts Aboard The Space Station
Watch astronauts answer student questions about space research and daily life aboard the station—live from space!
Down To Earth: Space Science For Community Change
Use innovation from the International Space Station to solve real-world environmental challenges in your community.
Bright Idea: Science Friday’s Sun Camp
The Sun Camp educational program features easy-to-do, hands-on STEAM activities for families and educators curious about Sun science.
Earn P.D. Certificates At SciFri’s Educator Phenomena Forum
On November 4, K-12 STEM teachers are invited to Science Friday’s free professional development series, this time all about space!
Teachers! Collaborate At SciFri’s Educator Phenomena Forum
On July 21-22, Science Friday is hosting a phenomena-based learning sessions specially designed for K-12 STEM teachers. PD and cool science!
Join Us For A Week Of Making And Building!
Let’s go to (virtual) camp! Science Friday is hosting a week of free DIY maker challenges for kids, families, and caregivers on July 24 – 31. Anyone can participate!
Science Club #ObserveEverything
Go out and observe something interesting! Submit your in-depth observations with the hashtag #ObserveEverything.
Science Standards for the Next Generation
Newly released science standards expect students to be capable of designing experiments and making evidence-based arguments.