Trying To Preserve Your Hearing In Noisy World
With an estimated thirty-seven million Americans who have lost some hearing, it is easier than ever to cause hearing loss with normal activities.
Human Art By Artificial Intelligence
When art is made by artificial intelligence, it can still be considered human art. Learn why in this excerpt from Janelle Shane’s new book.
The Eclipse That Proved Einstein’s Theory Correct
In 1919, a team of astronomers presented their findings about warped starlight to the Royal Astronomical Society in London, proving Einstein’s theories.
The Farmer Who Took On One Of The World’s Biggest Chemical Corporations
When the cattle on Wilbur Earl Tennant’s farm began to mysteriously fall ill and die, he suspected it wasn’t what the animals were eating—it was what they were drinking.
Making Space For Black Software
From playing with computers to building networks: How the space for Black Software was made.
Why Should We Trust Science?
Harvard professor Naomi Oreskes argues why the public should trust scientists—but not for the reason most of us think.
The Basics Of Bitters
Sure, bitters make cocktails taste great. But that’s just the start.
Is That Really Your Sister Calling?
How hackers and technology will evolve together.
How Linear Perspective Made Florence’s Famed Dome Possible
Learn how a mirror and a painting helped design Brunelleschi’s Dome in this excerpt from “Proof!” by Amir Alexander.