Exploring The Enigmatic World Of Owls
A new book by Jennifer Ackerman explores the accomplished predator’s contradictions.
Bees Have Feelings, Too
After fifty years of studying bees, pollination ecologist Stephen Buchman suggests bees have feelings.
Debunking Common Myths About Being Fat
Author and podcast host Aubrey Gordon uses science and history to dispel common misconceptions about weight and health.
The Fascinating Case For Bees’ Feelings
Pollination ecologist Stephen Buchman makes the case that bees aren’t just smart, but sentient, too.
Unpacking What You Know About Fat People
Author and podcast host Aubrey Gordon debunks stereotypes and discusses anti-fat bias in healthcare.
Diving Into The Reign Of Cephalopods
They may not be as popular as dinosaurs, but cephalopods—squid, octopuses and their ancestors—reigned supreme for 400 million years.
From Backyards To Barn Yards, The Surprising Science Of Chickens
Author of the new book “Under the Henfluence: Inside the World of Backyard Chickens and the People Who Love Them” ponders America’s favorite fowl.
The History And Science Of America’s Favorite Backyard Bird
Author Tove Danovich explains the wild history of chicken domestication and the surprising science of chicken intelligence.
Dismantling Myths About Menstruation
Half the world menstruates. So why does it still feel taboo to discuss?
This Book Wants You To Think About Periods
Much of what we know about menstruation is wrong is because of societal biases. Kate Clancy hopes that her book will shed light on the truth.