The Book Club Catches ‘The Andromeda Strain’
24:17 minutes
This month, the book club discusses Michael Crichton’s 1969 best-selling science fiction thriller The Andromeda Strain. Writer Richard Preston joins the club to talk about Crichton’s writing style, and what it was like to work on Crichton’s unfinished final manuscript, Micro.
The video below is the original trailer for the 1971 movie based on The Andromeda Strain. For more, check out the SciFri Book Club open thread.
Flora Lichtman is a host of Science Friday. In a previous life, she lived on a research ship where apertivi were served on the top deck, hoisted there via pulley by the ship’s chef.
Annette Heist is a former senior producer for Science Friday.
Richard Preston is a journalist and best-selling author of titles such as The Hot Zone (Anchor, 1995). He co-authored, with Michael Crichton, Micro: A Novel (HarperCollins, 2011).
Annette Heist is a former senior producer for Science Friday.