The Strange, Scrambled Genomes Of Squids And Octopuses
For Cephalopod Week, two researchers explain the newest science about the fancy tricks and ineffable weirdness of these animals.
Scientists Found The Biggest Known Plant On Earth
Scientists discovered that a 49,000 acre seagrass meadow off the coast of Australia is actually one giant plant.
Building A Better Battery… Using Plastic?
A startup is trying to launch new battery technology that could help store renewable energy. But don’t expect one in your cell phone.
Bug Off: Why Mosquitoes Have An Annoyingly Amazing Sense Of Smell
When scientists tried to mess with mosquitoes’ sense of smell, these pesky insects found another way to sniff out their next meal.
So You Think You Know About Sex
A new book, “Been There, Done That: A Rousing History of Sex,” will make you question what you thought you knew about sex.
Processing Postpartum With AI And Synthetic Breast Milk Art
Using synthetic breast milk and a 3D-printed pig uterus, artist Ani Liu processes her postpartum period—and the people that helped her through it.
20,000 Viruses Under The Sea: Mapping The Ocean’s Viral Ecosystem
A motherlode of RNA viruses collected from the ocean contains thousands of new species and vast genetic diversity.
How Recreational Weed Transformed A Small California Town
Woodlake, CA has no stoplights, one fast-food restaurant, and seven cannabis businesses.
Meet The Doctor Trying To Bring Medical Marijuana Into The Mainstream
Dr. Kogan is trying to inform doctors about cannabis’ potential as a medical treatment for illnesses ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s.
The World According to Sound: Listening to WiFi
Audio art that makes us consider the invisible streams of data that permeate our world.