Rerouting Working Nerves to Restore Hand Function
Surgeons bypass a spinal cord injury to build a new hand-brain connection in paralyzed man.
On Eve of Launch, SpaceX Head Talks about Mission
Elon Musk on the Dragon launch, traveling to Mars, and–his other hobby–electric cars.
From Rooftops and Abandoned Lots, an Urban Harvest
How about some rooftop honey or dandelion flower jelly? A look at city harvests.
The Itching Question That’s More Than Skin Deep
A connection between thinking and scratching shows how little we know about the tingles on our skin.
Why Race Could Color the Vote Against Obama
A new study shows hidden racial attitudes are playing a role in the 2012 presidential vote.
The Case for a Presidential Science Debate
A grassroots group is calling for a presidential debate based on science and technology issues.
‘The Garbage-Men’ Rock a Trashy Sound
The Garbage-Men prove one man’s trash is another man’s upright bass.
How Buffett’s Cancer Is Shaping National Dialogue
One journalist says Warren Buffett’s decision to treat prostate cancer sets a bad precedent.
Mining Quarries Millions of Miles from Earth
A company aims to expand the world’s natural resource base by mining asteroids.
An Astronaut Explores NASA’s Scientific Frontiers
Astronaut and astrophysicist John Grunsfeld leads NASA’s investigations of Earth–and beyond.