Silk Stretches Drugs Shelf Life to New Lengths
A silky solution to the age old question of how to keep drugs viable without refrigeration.
The Nuts and Bolts of High-Speed Rail
After years on the slow track, America’s high-speed rail may finally be building momentum.
Climate Change Ups Odds of Heat Waves, Drought
Researchers say heat waves are 20 times more likely today than in the 1960s, due to global warming.
What Happens When Scientists Get It Wrong?
When a controversial paper comes out, skeptical scientists can attempt to replicate the study. But how many scientists have the time–and money–to police bad science?
Myths and Tips on Keeping Your Cool This Summer
Think caffeine dehydrates you? Or that you can’t get too much water on a hot day? Douglas Casa, of the Korey Stringer Institute, sets the record straight.
At Long Last, The Higgs Particle… Maybe
Physicists have finally discovered the elusive Higgs boson–or at least something a lot like it.
What’s Your IQ on SPF?
A look at the science of sunscreen: how it intercepts the sun’s rays, whether it blocks vitamin D production, and what SPF really means.
Relishing the Science of the BBQ
Mayo myth-busters, a ketchup jar that never jams, and a salute to the pickle.
Peering into the Dark Side of Scientific Discovery
Why scientists have come to blows — literally — over who gets the glory for a discovery.