The Biology of Birds of Prey
We’ll check in with biologists studying American kestrels, prairie falcons, red-tailed hawks, and other raptors that nest in Idaho’s Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. Plus, bringing back the California condor.
Can Government Bans Tackle Obesity?
Experts debate whether government regulations are an effective way to fight the obesity epidemic.
Printing Solar Panels in the Backyard
A Kickstarter-funded project aims to build a machine to print micro solar panels.
What the Doctor Ordered: Building New Body Parts
Spray-on skin, made-to-order muscle, and print-out kidneys aren’t just science fiction anymore.
The SciFri Book Club Visits ‘Flatland’
Mathematician Ian Stewart joins the September book club meeting for a look at Edwin Abbott’s ‘Flatland.’
Wind Power Plentiful, Study Says
A paper finds wind energy could provide hundreds of terawatts, if enough turbines are installed.
Amateur Astronomers Spot a Jupiter Explosion
Could a comet or an asteroid be to blame for the fireball on Jupiter?
Mars Rover May Be Contaminated with Earth Microbes
If microbial stowaways did hitch a ride to Mars, how will Curiosity’s mission be affected?
Field Trip to a Fungi Foray
This convention is for mushrooms and the people who love them.
Detecting the ‘Artful Dodge’
How likely are voters to notice when a politician dodges a question? Not very, says one study.