Study Correlates Copper Intake and Alzheimer’s in Mice
Could copper in drinking water contribute to Alzheimer’s disease in mice?
A Telescope Fails, but the Hunt for Exoplanets Continues
Although the Kepler planet-hunting telescope is no longer operating, discoveries remain to be made in its data.
A Robot Lab to Survey the Sea Floor
Researchers are developing a DNA-sampling robot for undersea exploration.
Judging Music With Visual Cues
How important are our eyes when we take in a musical performance?
Rebooting Science Museums for the 21st Century
Science museums aren’t just dioramas and dusty skeletons anymore.
Hyperloop: Hype or Future Transportation?
Elon Musk described his Hyperloop design as a cross between a “Concorde, a railgun, and an air hockey table.”
The STEM Gender Gap
Why hasn’t an increase in the number of female students studying the sciences led to proportional number of women in the STEM workforce?
Strengthening the Grid, Ten Years Later
How has the electrical grid changed since the massive blackout of 2003?
For a Greener Yard, Lose the Lawn
Swapping turf for less thirsty plants can reduce your yard’s water footprint and look just as lush.
Marina Abramovic: Experimenting on Consciousness, Through Art
Performance artist Marina Abramovic wants to build a laboratory devoted to arts and science.