Out of the Bottle: Wine Flavor
A researcher from Cornell details the chemical composition of wine’s diverse flavor profiles.
A Year of Ups and Downs for Science
Ira Flatow and a panel of editors and bloggers discuss the year’s biggest science stories.
Fixing ‘Misfolded’ Proteins for New Drug Treatments
Researchers were able to restore the function of incorrectly folded proteins in mice.
This Doc’s Miracle Drug? Exercise
Doctor Jordan Metzl says specific cardio and strength training regimens can treat a variety of ills.
In a New Play, Trusty Sidekick Is a Supercomputer
Madeleine George’s new play explores our dependency on technology—and each other.
The Best Science Books Of 2013
Journalist Deborah Blum and Maria Popova of Brainpickings.org share their top science books of 2013.
Reggie Watts Builds a Synthesizer, Bit by Bit
How do synths work? Reggie Watts shows off a synthesizer you can build yourself.
China Shoots ‘Jade Rabbit’ Rover to the Moon
BBC science editor David Shukman talks about the motivations behind China’s moonshot.
The Simpsons’ Secret? It’s Written by Math Geeks
The secret behind “The Simpsons”‘ math jokes? A writers’ room full of ex-mathematicians.
Would More Technology Mean Safer Trains?
Seventy thousand miles of track will need to be outfitted with “positive train control” technology by 2015.