2014 Consumer Electronics Show Round-Up
Chris Ziegler of The Verge discusses technology trends from this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.
Food Failures: How to Spoil Your Food (And Eat It, Too)
Fermentation guru Sandor Katz solves your pickling problems.
Wine Science: Deconstructing ‘Terroir’ in the Lab
Chemist Gavin Sacks says talk of terroir may often be simply a clever marketing ploy.
Out of the Bottle: Tricks of the Trade
Popular wine jargon such as “breathing,” “corked,” and “wine tears” gets translated into chemistry you can understand.
App Chat: Cutting Clutter From Your Inbox
Ellis Hamburger, a reporter for The Verge, talks about a few of his favorite mail-managing apps.
Forty Years Of The Endangered Species Act
Currently, there are 2,142 U.S. and foreign species protected under the Endangered Species Act.
Extracting Data From Photos of Our Eyes
Researchers used photographs to recover reflected images 30,000 times smaller than the actual subject.
Why Do Insects Bug Us?
Author Jeffrey Lockwood dissects our complicated relationship with insects.
Can Plants Think?
Plants can hear, taste and feel, as Michael Pollan writes in his latest piece for The New Yorker. But is any of that evidence of intelligence?
Carl Sagan: ‘Science Is a Way of Thinking’
In this 1996 interview, Carl Sagan talks about pseudoscience, UFOs, and the origins of the universe.