The Sticky Science Behind Maple Syrup
Plant physiologist Abby van den Berg traces how maple sap flows through trees and onto your plate.
Discovering Your Inner Fish
Evolutionary biologist Neil Shubin takes us through the evolutionary story of how the human body evolved from our fish and reptilian ancestors.
Amir Aczel: ‘Why Science Does Not Disprove God’
Aczel’s latest book chronicles the New Atheist movement, taking aim at scientists like Richard Dawkins.
How a Warming Planet Will Change What’s on Your Plate
Climate change has already cut yields of wheat and corn, taking a bite out of gains achieved by better farming technology.
E.O. Wilson: ‘A Window on Eternity’
E.O. Wilson discusses the recovery and biodiversity of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park.
Spotting Earth’s Cousin in the Cosmos
Astronomers have found a planet about the size of Earth, far enough from its star to host liquid water.
Busting Bad Bacteria With Their Viral Enemies
Phages added to packaged beef or spinach could cut down on E. coli bacteria outbreaks.
Bill Nye Stops By
Bill Nye stops by to chat about teaching science, launching solar sails into space, and more.
Up Close With the Lunar Eclipse
The lunar eclipse on Tuesday, April 15, will be visible from all over North and South America.
Scientists Study Vole Romance Under the Influence
To learn how alcohol affects relationships, scientists mix prairie voles a drink.