The Lineup of Cancer Threats Is Changing
A recent study projects that by 2030, pancreatic cancer will become the second most deadly type of cancer in the U.S. after lung cancer.
A Decade After the Genome, Scientists Map the ‘Proteome’
Nearly all the body’s cells contain identical DNA. So why does a neuron grow up so differently than a liver cell? Proteins, says Akhilesh Pandey, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University.
How Can Airline Tracking Improve?
How can a commercial airliner go missing, and what can we do to improve tracking technology?
What’s ‘I,’ and Why?
In “Me, Myself, and Why,” science writer Jennifer Ouellette probes the science of self.
Is It Possible to Make Matter From Light?
Scientists mapped out the plan for a potential “photon-photon collider” that could convert light into matter.
The Debate Over Net Neutrality
What does the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality plan mean for consumers?
Why Science and the Humanities Are Better Together
Biographer Walter Isaacson explains why the future belongs to those who can merge the arts and the sciences.
Are Microbes Winning the Antibiotic Arms Race?
We’re running out of antibiotics, and drug companies have little incentive to develop new ones. Can we save the ones we already have?
Customizing Your Cryptocurrency With Altcoins
ZeroCash, Litecoin, and SolarCoin are digital currency alternatives to Bitcoin.
New Meteor Shower May Offer Skygazers a Treat…Or Not
Late Friday night, Earth will sail through debris left by the comet 209P/LINEAR. Scientists are calling the shower the Camelopardalids.