Listening In on Elephant ‘Mating Pandemonium’
In a ‘mating pandemonium’ event, a group of elephants roar after a pair of elephants mate.
Behind the Scenes at the City Morgue
Forensic pathologist Judy Melinek’s memoir “Working Stiff” goes behind the scenes at the New York City morgue.
Giving Viruses a License to Kill…Cancer
Scientists transform common viruses like measles and herpes into potential cancer treatments.
Can an Experimental Therapy Be Used to Treat Ebola?
A look at the experimental therapy used to treat two Americans who were infected with Ebola.
‘Lucy’ Debunked
A neurobiologist reveals sci-fi thriller “Lucy”‘s neuroscience bloopers.
Close Your Eyes and Listen to the Night Sky
If the bright “supermoon” drowns out the Perseid meteor shower this year, why not listen for meteors instead?
Can Science Build a Better Piano?
Scientists have created a 3D acoustical scan of the piano’s resonance—and say it could help refine the art of piano-making.
Algorithm Turns Everyday Objects Into Microphones
Sound waves trigger tiny vibrations in objects. By studying the vibrations, researchers can recreate the sounds that caused them.
Ebola Outbreak Continues in West Africa
Ebola specialist Daniel Bausch provides an on-the-ground view of treating the disease in West Africa.
How Ultramarathons Affect the Heart, Blood, and Brain
Exercise scientists Tamara Hew-Butler and Greg Whyte talk about how the body changes after dozens of hours in motion.