After 40 Years, a Blue Whale Population Bounces Back
Blue whale populations are only a fraction of what they once were globally, but a California population has nearly made a comeback.
The Science of ‘Sameness’: Developing Generic Medications
As of 2010, generic drugs comprise almost 80 percent of the American pharmaceutical market, compared to 10 percent in 1960.
Supermassive Dinosaur Would Have ‘Feared Nothing’
Scientists estimate the dinosaur Dreadnoughtus schrani would have weighed as much as a Boeing 737.
To Master Test Material, Give Your Brain a Break
Salvador Dali and Thomas Edison took very brief naps when they were stuck on artistic and scientific problems.
The Wilderness Act Turns 50
Fifty years ago this week, legislation set aside over nine million acres of official wilderness.
From Exotic Garden to Eco-Haven
A former millionaire’s estate is becoming an environmental haven and training ground.
Hello, Stranger, Wanna Share a Cab?
Researchers found that potentially 95 percent of cab rides in New York City could have been shared.
Randall Munroe Asks, ‘What If?’
In his new book “What If?”, xkcd comic artist Randall Munroe answers his readers’ hypothetical questions with math and science.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Black Holes
High energy x-rays provide a rare glimpse into the behavior of black holes.
Electric Bacteria Form Nanowires, Shoot Out Electrons
USC’s Moh El-Naggar says engineers hope to harness bacterial energy using fuel cells.