How Ultramarathons Affect the Heart, Blood, and Brain
Exercise scientists Tamara Hew-Butler and Greg Whyte talk about how the body changes after dozens of hours in motion.
Can Animals Go Mad?
From depressed dogs to anxious gorillas, author Laurel Braitman explores mental illness in animals.
Tapping Into Musical Memory
A new documentary, “Alive Inside,” exposes the connections between music and memory.
Can’t Stop Worrying? Blame It on Your Habenula
The habenula is a pea-sized part of the brain that tracks our expectations of negative events.
Will Big Data Answer Big Questions on Health?
Google’s latest big idea is called “Baseline Study”—an effort to catalog the DNA of thousands of healthy people, along with their blood, urine, saliva, breath, and tears.
Mosquito-Borne Viruses Raise Public Health Concern
This summer, two different and currently untreatable mosquito-borne viruses were identified on the East Coast.
A Newly Discovered Virus That Lives in Our Gut
Researchers discovered a virus that lives in the gut of half of the world’s population.
What’s the Real Cost of Your Steak?
Cattle require 28 times more land and 11 times more irrigation water than eggs or poultry.
The SciFri Book Club Introduces Dune
Sci-fi author Kim Stanley Robinson and astrobiologist Sara Imari Walker introduce the SciFri Book Club’s summer selection: “Dune”.
New Online Tracking Tool Evades Privacy Settings
A new online tracker is snooping on visitors to over 5,600 popular sites—and it’s nearly impossible to block.