Opening Up the Synthetic Biology Toolkit
Synthetic biologist Christopher Voigt and biotechnologist Stephen Streatfield discuss current trends in synthetic biology.
Spilling Our Guts: Decreased Diversity in the Human Microbiome
How can hospital stays and the evolution from apes to humans change the diversity of our microbiome?
George Washington Carver: Renaissance Man
Carver was a painter, singer, and piano teacher, taught farmers the virtues of crop rotation, and developed hundreds of recipes for peanuts, sweet potatoes, soybeans and pecans.
Ebola Vaccines Fast-Tracked As Outbreak Slows
Jon Cohen, a staff writer covering the outbreak for Science magazine, says that despite the vaccines’ success in monkeys, their efficacy in humans is far from guaranteed.
Could This 3-D Printer Print Itself?
This week, HP announced its new 3-D printer, which it claims can print materials strong enough to lift up a car—and do it 10 times faster than anything on the market today.
Scientists Sniff Smelly Comet
The Rosetta spacecraft has detected the scent of a comet…and it stinks.
Countering Memory Loss With Cocoa Compounds
Researchers try to counteract age-related memory decline with cocoa flavanols.
Creature Double Feature
Witness two tales that will make your skin crawl and your mind reel with fear and curiosity.
Doctors ‘Unwrap’ a 3,000-Year-Old Mummy
Radiologists use CT scans to piece together the life, and death, of Egyptian mummies.
A Haunted House Turned Scientists’ Lab
Scientists turn Pittsburgh’s ScareHouse into a real-world lab to discover why some brains thrive on fear.