A Geological Tour From 30,000 Feet Up
Flyover Country, a new app, will help you spot geological features during your next long-haul flight.
A New Threat to Cell Phone Videos?
Apple patents a technology that could stop our phones from recording concerts. How does it work, and could this be abused?
Protecting The Historic Human Record In Space
How could historically significant satellites, spacecraft, and landing sites be preserved in space?
Crowdsourcing Data, While Keeping Yours Private
“Differential privacy” allows companies to randomize user data, preserving individual privacy while pulling out larger trends.
Checking In on Our Planetary Neighbors
From Jupiter to Pluto, new windows into the origins of our largest and smallest friends around the sun.
Crime Algorithm, Space Junk, and Stem Cell Therapies
The legalities of algorithms to predict “high risk” criminals, and the dangers of unapproved stem cell therapies.
Zika Vaccines Ready for Testing, While Yellow Fever Shots Fall Short
Several vaccines for Zika virus have triumphed in animal tests and are now ready for human trials, but stores of vaccine for another, older tropical disease are running out.
Looking At The Brain For Hidden War Wounds
Military doctors are starting to pay more attention to concussions and other traumatic brain injuries on the battlefield.
Supercomputer Rankings, ‘Frankenturtles,’ and Psychology of Self-Driving Cars
China tops the list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, and the psychological toll of autonomous vehicles.
Tracking Nighttime Bird Migrations, by Sound
Researchers are trying to build a network of computerized sensors that identify birds based on the short chirps they make while in flight.